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          Announcement on Declaring the Invalidation of the Residence Permit of One Foreigner

          发布日期: 2023-02-09 15:13 来源: 有人被365黑过钱吗_365bet体育赌场_365彩票下载1.0.0老版本公安局 【打印】 【下载】

        • According to the provisions of Article 67th of The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, we declared the invalidation of the residence permit number 101545172 held by DO JIHWAN (Sex: male, Nationality: Korea, Date of Birth: Sep. 28th, 1988, Passport Number: M72025040), and the invalidation date of the residence permit will take effect from the 11th day of the announcement.

          It is hereby announced.

          Exit and Entry Administration Department of

          Wuhan Public Security Bureau
